
3rd International Conference on Social Work

The 3rd International Conference on Social Work held on the 4th and 5th of September at the National Institute of Social Development, centered on the theme “Social Security in the 21st Century: Shared Partnership for Transformative Change.” The opening ceremony, hosted at the Full Moon Hotel in Seeduwa, featured keynote addresses from Dr. Machiko OHARA, President of the International Federation of Social Work (Japan College of Social Work), and Professor S.P. Premaratne from the Department of Economics, University of Colombo. The conference provided a platform for academic dialogue and highlighted Sri Lanka’s cultural richness. Plenary discussions focused on the theme “Social Security for All,” with a panel comprising Professor Emeritus W. Indralal De Silva, former Senior Professor (Chair) of Demography & Dean, faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Senior Professor H.D. Yasanjali Devika Jeyatilake, Department of Anthropology, University of Sri Jayaweradenepura, Professor Viktor Virag, Japan College of Social Work, and Mr. K.A.S.P. Kaluarachchi, General Manager, Social Security Board. The event also featured six technical sessions, with two held on the 4th and four on the 5th, and divided between morning and afternoon sessions.

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