Welcome to the International Conference on Social Work (ICSW) organized by the National Institute of Social Development (NISD). This prestigious conference serves as a platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to come together, share insights, and engage in meaningful discussions on contemporary social work issues.

Conference Theme: “Social Security in 21st Century : Shared Partnership for Transformative Changes”


The ICSW is an annual event that brings together thought leaders and professionals from the field of social work. Our conference provides a unique opportunity to explore innovative approaches, exchange knowledge, and address the challenges faced by communities worldwide. We believe in the power of collaboration and aim to foster networks that transcend geographical boundaries.
Proceeding Book

Objective of the ICSW-2024

The ICSW is an annual event that brings together thought leaders and professionals from the field of social work. Our conference provides a unique opportunity to explore innovative approaches, exchange knowledge, and address the challenges faced by communities worldwide. We believe in the power of collaboration and aim to foster networks that transcend geographical boundaries.

ICSW Format: Physical

ICSW 2024 encourage submissions in the following directions:

  • Research papers that describe how research has contributed to changes in individuals, organizations, communities, and policies in terms of Social Security New Era and shared for the transformative changes. The challenge is to describe what has changed as a result of the research and the social work practices. 
  • The conference aims to foster critical reflections on social work interventions and programs that are shaped by the tumultuous impact of socioeconomic crises within the neoliberal policy framework. It seeks to explore avenues for enhancing these programs to more effectively navigate and mitigate the effects of such crises. Central questions to be addressed include how these programs can better effect change and address socioeconomic crises, how social workers can refine issue definition and participant engagement strategies, and what design, methodological, analytical, and dissemination approaches can optimize innovative practices. Furthermore, the conference will delve into how social work researchers and program developers can take proactive roles in community engagement and advocacy to influence social policy.

A guide for submission of abstracts

Title:Title should not be exceeded 20 words
Abstract:The abstract should not exceed 300 words. Structured abstracts with the Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Results and Conclusions.
Language:Abstracts must be clear, concise and grammatically correct. Spellings should conform to concise dictionary.
Font:English: Times New Roman
Outline:Abstract should be typed on standard-sized paper (A4) (8.5" x 11") with 1"margins on all sides.
Font Size:Font size - 12
Line spacing - 1.5
Evaluation System:All the abstracts and full papers will be reviewed by a panel of evaluators.
Email :icosw@nisd.ac.lk


  • Family Well-being
  • Human Trafficking
  • Mental Health & Psychosocial Support
  • Language and Cultural Issues
  • Economics and Labour Markets
  • Multi Disciplinary Practice
  • Human Rights
  • Gender Inequalities
  • Community Empowerment
  • Social Protection
  • Use of Technology
  • Internal and International Migration
  • Education and Skill Development

Keynote Speakers

Professor S.P. Premaratna

Professor in Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo Director, Staff Development Center, University of Colombo

Dr Machiko Obara

Professor, Japan College of Social Work (JCSW)
President, International Federation of Social Workers Asia Pacific Region (IFSW-AP)


Deadline for the Abstract:21st of February 2025
Confirmation of the Abstract:22nd of April 2025
Paper Submission:25th of May 2025
Registration:On or Before 15th of June 2025
Conference Date: 1st & 2nd of July 2025



International Presenters:US$ 100
SAARC Presenters:US$ 50
Local Presenters:Rs. 2500.00
Students Presenters:Rs. 1500.00


International Participants:US$ 50
SAARC Participants:US$ 30
Local Participants:Rs. 2000.00
Students Participants:Rs. 1000.00