
Pedura 2024

On February 29th, 2024, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) 2021/22 cohort orchestrated the “Padura” cultural event, held at the esteemed premises of the National Institute of Social Development (NISD). This vibrant occasion served as a platform to unveil the diverse talents residing within the student body of NISD.

The evening unfolded with a dazzling array of performances, each one meticulously crafted to enthrall the audience. From soulful melodies and energetic dance routines to powerful dramatic presentations, the BSW students poured their hearts and creativity into every act. This wasn’t just entertainment; it was a window into the students’ passions, backgrounds, and the social issues they care about.

“Padura” transcended the stage lights. It fostered a sense of community within the BSW cohort, allowing them to collaborate, celebrate each other’s talents, and showcase their teamwork. The event also extended its reach beyond the student body, attracting faculty members, industry professionals, and potentially even future NISD students. This intermingling of diverse groups fostered a spirit of inclusivity and understanding, a cornerstone of social work practice.

The “Padura” event offered a glimpse into the future of social work. These passionate and talented students are not just future social workers; they are advocates, storytellers, and community builders. Their artistic expressions not only entertain but also shed light on social issues and inspire positive change.

With events like “Padura,” the future of social work looks bright, filled with individuals who can not only address social challenges but can also bridge divides and create a more inclusive and vibrant society.

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